Monday, August 17, 2009

Torn Between Two Styles of Camera, DSLR/Micro 4/3 and the Sigma DP2 a quick rant

As I write and think about my review for the Sigma DP2, (I am very close to buying one),there is one issue. I have doubt and i have extremely Cold feet about committing to the purchase. I am on the verge of Making the biggest Camera Purchase I have ever made in my geeky like and I am not sure what the correct path is.

Here is the Issue, I am trying to figure out what type of a photographer I want to be. A DSLR user who might possibly want to sell some photos' one day, Having the choice between a multitude of lenses? Or do i want to be an artistic photographer who wants to have fun with a camera in my spare time?

When you read my review and thoughts on the Sigma DP2, you will see it’s a totally different beast than a DSLR even thought they share a similar sensor and purchasing it, may have to wait for a bit. It all boils down to how much I want to learn at the moment. I feel if I get the Sigma DP2, even though I will take some of the best pictures ever. I might not learn enough.

I lump the Micro 4/3 Camera’s and the DLSR’s into the same pool because they are basically that similar, to me. The things that make Micro 4/3 and DLSRs different, are another issue all together. so it's not the focus, I will most likely use them in the same manner anyhoo.

So what do I do? Do I go for the Sigma DP2 which I am totally infatuated with. Or do I put it on hold and go the DLSR route, which I have a whole lot to learn about, especially when it comes to lens use. Decision decisions

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